David Murdoch's Portfolio

David Murdoch

London-based · +44 7793 380037 · dsmurdoch357@gmail.com

I'm a fullstack developer who writes flexible code and delivers products. I started coding in 2009. I have been devoting the bulk of my professional time to programming since 2016. I can write Java, JavaScript, Python and C#. As of late I have been trying to strip back my code and rely on underlying web standards to minimise my impact on existing codebases.


Westminster City Council

Westminster/ Remote

My first responsibilities at Westminster City Council were to work on an existing react application developed by a tenderer. We started 2 more web applications while I was there. One of which was bootstrapped entirely by me. All 3 were wizard-like form sites as part of the Westminster City Council site revamp. I did some really interesting work while there. What was there before had very little in terms of CI/CD. We migrated to GitHub so that we could start using GitHub actions. We also switched from CRA to Vite and introduced Tailwind and Docker, much of that work was done by me. I also wrote unit tests and e2e tests in playwright. We deployed to Azure.

I worked in SCRUM and used Jira for tracking tickets.

The best success I had was as a result of the person doing DevOps steadfastly refused to build the static frontend for each individual environment so we had to find some way of forcing a framework that inject env vars at build time to instead inject them at run time. We did this using a library called @import-meta-env/cli. This approach could theoretically work for all vite apps I work with going forward. And it still takes env vars from a .env. It still remained idiomatic.

I was responsible for a lot of the configuration for the new setup. I also wrote a template to bootstrap new applications faster in future. I also tried to setup form components in such a way they remained simple to use, having composed components that in turn were singularly responsible for label or error messages while still allowing react-hook-form to take control of the error message management. Before shadcn/ui provided a much a better pattern to do the same. This pattern can be seen in this portfolio's simple form project.

I suggested introducing tailwindcss which allowed us to make spacing changes more easily and take advantage of the benefits of the preflight css reset.

I implemented the Authentication using the example from @azure/msal. This included a redirect check on a protected route for a page refresh using a NavigationClient.

I handled a lot of nginx configuration, including removing root access.

Mar - Aug 2023


London Piccadilly/ Remote

DigiVault was a crypto-asset custodian. The task was to develop a new website portal for their clients to transfer assets. The previous portal was developed by contractors, written with create-react-app and used a heavy use of redux-observable to handling application state. The core dev team of DigiVault was backend Java developers. They knew basic HTML and basic JS so the use of redux-observable and rxjs was a lot of cognitive and code overload for their team. Also they weren't fans of JSX. They opted to build a new portal using Svelte with the same current features as the legacy portal.

I got to use a broad range of technologies at this role. The backend was written in Java using a framework called gradle that was heavily inspired by Express.js. They used BDD tests written in python and behave for integration testing. The idea was to use a simple scripting language that both frontend and backend developers could understand and share a common module. For integration tests on the frontend we used the playwright library.

Svelte was an interesting framework. Very similar to React. Custom hooks were much harder to make without a `useEffect` hook. I took on the role to force myself to rely more on underlying web standards than the off-the-shelf react component libraries. What I discovered was svelte that was by design well-suited towards animations. I gained familiarity with svelte's built in tweened and flip functions and have been extracting them for use within react and solid.

Apr 2021 - Aug 2022

IMH Technologies


Replacing a legacy website. This was required to reflect a new deal with a business partner. An initial deadline was pretty tight so I started with react-bootstrap but then later realised that having third-party react components was getting in the way of how I wanted to use purgecss so I later replaced all bootstrap with tailwind. The website was initially done with gatsby but that was later replaced with next.js after realising that was simpler than setting up a pipeline with webhooks for updated content. The site fetched data from a Contentful free tier. Full disclosure, this is my parent's company.

Apr 2020 - Mar 2021

ShipServ Ltd.

Chiswick, Greater London

ShipServ was a company that eleviated the red tape around container shipping both in the documentation and buy space on ships. They were in the ongoing process of updating their client facing domains with react SPAs and Next.js for domains that are asking to be crawled by search engines. I worked mainly with the Next.js based domains.

Shipserv was my first commercial experience with TypeScript. It has become my default frontend language. They encouraged suggestions and were prepared to try my suggestions around the monorepo tool nx and the unofficial material react library: MUI. Those two didn't work out so well. I have since decided to move away from using libraries such as MUI or Mantine and rely on mostly on web-standards in most cases unless a third party component will get us over to line for a MVP.

Worked in a Kanban setup tracked with Asana.

Jan - Apr 2020

Ageas Insurance Ltd.

Bournemouth/Covent Garden

Ageas car insurance website was a form based portal. The legacy site included an iframe within which the Worldpay checkout took place which come January 2020 was no longer PCI compliant. The web portal was being replaced with a react razzle site that met the compliance.

They worked in a Scrum setup tracked by Jira. Everyone in the team was free to express themsleves in that setup. I think it will be the purest example of Agile that I'll ever work with. That methodology was being coached by a company called AND Digital.

Sep - Nov 2019

Smarter Click

Borough, Greater London

Smarter Click makes custom modals that appear after a delay during a checkout to encourage the completion of the transaction. At the time their biggest customer was Hotel Chocolat if you want to see one in the wild. I personally came across one while buying an exercise massage gun from Renpho. They wanted a new react-based dashboard for internal use, initially.

Their dashboard was bootstrapped with CRA with redux and thunks for handling data loading. The dashboard had been the responsiblity of one single developer but that was being handed over to me when that developer started his new role elsewhere.

I think about this role a lot. The repo handed to me had 9,000+ lines of JavaScript in the src/ folder along with 32,000 lines of copied sass and collectively 6000+ lines of HTML from 6 files that I suspect may have been font files. The nature that the .html file name was being used to deliver fonts was causing CORB issues in the Chrome browser. This was a newly added feature to the Chrome browser at the time following the publication of the Spectre and Meltdown exploits. The CORB issues resulted in tensions between my team lead and myself along with very frustrating redux middleware so I ended it short. But this is a case of if I knew then what I know now. I wonder what I could do now to fix similar codebases

Worked in a Kanban setup tracked with Jira.

Apr - May 2019

QA Consulting Ltd.

Croydon, Greater London

Consultant work for the Home Office

  • First experience with the React library

  • Worked on converting the gov design system into CSSinJS components: https://github.com/govuk-react/govuk-react

  • Focused on writing forms and data fetching

  • Wrote unit (jest) and integration (selenium) tests

  • Some experience of redux before migrating to Context API

  • Worked within Scaled Agile (SAFe) process

  • Employed by QAConsulting, the client was HODDaT within the Home Office

Jun 2017 - Apr 2019


Southend High School for Boys

  • A2 Levels: 1 A*, 1 B, 2 C

  • AS Levels: 3 A, 3 B

  • GCSE: 9 A/A*, 4 B

Sep 2004 - Jun 2011

2:2 MPhys Physics with Nanotechnology, University of Southampton

Oct 2011 - Jul 2015



This portfolio

The GitHub link to the source code of this portfolio


IMH website

A website for my parent's company. Built with Tailwind and Next.js and uses Contentful as a CMS


Noughts and Crosses

The tutorial example from the reactjs.org docs in tailwindcss stylings with TypeScript typings



Numbers 1 to 100 where any number divisible by three is replaced with the word "fizz", and any number divisible by five is replaced with the word "buzz"



A SVG clock example cloned from svelte.dev


Totally not XSS vulnerable

An example of a XSS vulnerable site. A list of usernames and passwords are stored in IndexedDB and an example username in the form that can be used to print the list in a table


Layout Proposal for Twitch Streamer I watch

AustinShow uses a video call app to do a battle royale style show. During the elimination stage he introduces a bottom three stage that can sometimes be hard to follow


Todomvc with redux toolkit

The redux Todomvc example is quite old and states that it no longer uses recommended patterns. An example that ports to redux toolkit


Simple form

A simple form example using tanstack form


  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Films
  • Cycling


        gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen
        -sOutputFile=DavidMurdochCV-postGhostscript.pdf DavidMurdochCV.pdf